Home Kenya Homes Juja Farm Road Rehabilitation might spike property price

Juja Farm Road Rehabilitation might spike property price


Juja Farm Road

Let’s go back to January when Juja locals wanted to hold a fundraiser to repair the Juja Farm road. Unfortunately, it was stopped by the police since the sub-county administration cried the function will undermine them. It was a necessary bad when you look at it from the angle that at least now the government is actually working on the road.

The fundraiser had been organised by mostly matatu and boda-boda operators. They happen to be the people who earn from the road. Although, if the road is fixed will their charges drop? It’s a conflicting scenario. People who benefit most from the bad road are the ones who want it fixed. This shows you there was a huge problem.

We honestly can’t blame people for not wanting to buy on that side, the road is terrible. Good news is the county administration seemed to have wielded to the blames of negligence and are finally giving the people what they want.

Juliet Kimemia, the chief executive in charge of roads had urged the Juja residents to be patient because they had already awarded the tender for the tarmacking. She stated that 7 km of the road will be tarmacked. The project has begun meaning home buyers remove the cheque books and come on down to Juja Farm road and get a home or land. The remaining part of the road will have been finished by 2021.

What to expect:

Due to the poor state of the road, the prices of the houses and road are on the less side. Lucky are those who have bought a property before the price inflates. However, speculations confirm that with a good road the prices will skyrocket.

Juja Farm road houses posh estates and it’s an amazing neighbourhood coming up. The blame falls on the under-developed road for the slow progress of the area. Fortunately, with the construction of the tarmac road; it will provide easier access to the area. We foresee that the property around the road will see an increase in demand leading to high prices just like what happened to Athi River, Mlolongo or Kitengela.

A smart businessman recognizes the value in nothing. It’s not literal. It simply means that a wise man knows value when it’s staring right at his face even if it’s in a desert. The value is right here.  Juja Farm Road and it’s potential. The road pours into Thika Superhighway and Juja is a buzzing town with basic facilities like hospitals, schools and a renowned university.

Hence, you should grab the opportunity while prices are still at its fairest. If you are an interested party on buying property along the road, Kenya Homes has you covered. With houses and land plus information, we are your best bet in the area.

Taking an example of Juja Plainsview Annex Estate located 3km from Juja town and accessed through the Juja Farm road. The community is a hot sale despite the road. The estate comprises of 3bedroom bungalows. It’s going for 4.95M. You deposit 50% to book and the balance pay in monthly instalments.

Juja Plainsview Annex Estate

The bottom line

You should consider having property along Juja Farm road because one the road is perfect, the prices will come up high. It guarantees value for your money while giving you a peaceful environment to call home.

You can contact us today and we will provide you with all the information you need about the Juja Farm area. We are here to offer you solutions not promises.