Home Buy Can I Buy Property 100% Online?

Can I Buy Property 100% Online?


Have you ever wondered if you can buy a property 100% online in Kenya? Well, you are not alone in thinking this.

However, the internet is filled with many scams some are actually legit. Meaning, you can buy property 100% online without visiting the said property.

Although, not advised unless you have a trust relationship with your realtor.

It’s Possible BUT

While it’s not often that a buyer buys a house “sight unseen” over the Internet, you can learn useful information online. Many housing sites allow you to view a property online so you don’t invest time on a property that’s not appropriate for you.

Online house buying is especially convenient if you are shopping for a property a great distance from your current home or your shopping time is limited.

It’s possible to do a virtual home tour of a prospective property online through sites, such as Kenya Homes. These sites offer pictorial views of several rooms of the house so you can check the houses out in advance. This saves time and aggravation since you only actually visit the houses that seem appropriate, to begin with.

Pros of Online House Shopping

Online house searching is beneficial especially if you aren’t familiar with the neighbourhood where you are looking to purchase a house. You can find out a lot of information online. For example, price range, realtors’ addresses and phone numbers, local crime rates, cultural activities and schooling information. You can get a good overview of the neighbourhood, helping you decide if the location is right for your needs.

In addition to viewing houses from afar and learning about a distant neighbourhood. The online housing sites help you determine your price range by calculating your financial details with all the expenses involved in buying a home. They also maintain searchable databases of houses that fit your criteria.

Even if you don’t find a match immediately that fits your specifications, the sites will notify you as soon as an appropriate property becomes available.

In addition, the online sites offer tips for buying and selling a house, narrowing down your requirements and guiding you along the way.

See Also: Real Estate Tips for a First-Time Home Seller

In conclusion:

Buying online is not wise. Hence, even if you are travelling have a trusted agent or friend to handle the details for you especially viewing the property.