Home Real Estate Effectively Marketing Your House as a Seller

Effectively Marketing Your House as a Seller


As a seller, marketing your home becomes easier if you can identify the current real estate market. Agents tend to put a lot more money and work into selling listings when markets transition from seller’s to buyer’s markets but strong marketing techniques are just smart business sense regardless.

Good marketing can bring higher prices in a seller’s market and it can mean the difference between “sold” or “expired” in a buyer’s market. Good marketing might not sell your house but it will make the phone ring and if buyers don’t call, you won’t sell. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Get Quality Photographs of the Front

Most home buyers begin a home search online so posting good photos is essential. Listings without photos or with only an exterior shot are often ignored. But that doesn’t mean an exterior shot from the front isn’t very important.

Your house photo will look 10 times better than your competition’s if you crop out sidewalks and streets. Remove vehicles from your parking and from the front of your home. Shoot both closes up and angled photos and avoid shade falling on the house — wait for another time of day if necessary. Clear away any vegetation that’s blocking the front door or the path to the door.​​​

Other Exterior Photographs

Take pictures of the kitchen garden or borehole. But keep in mind that buyers will want to see the compound from all angles.

Emphasize space and shoot long. Cut the grass and trim the bushes. Remove any evidence of pets and put away children’s toys. Avoid shooting into the sun. Look for other listing images and use them as an example.

Interior Photographs

Take photographs of every room even if you suspect that a certain room won’t photograph well. Shoot it anyway because the photo quality might just surprise you. It might be usable.

Remember to take quality pictures, preferably not with your tecno. Hence, find a photographer to help you or a better phone. Moreover, get all the best angles.

Open curtains and turn on the lights. Focus on interesting details like the condition of wooden flooring or a fireplace. Remove trash cans and close the toilet lids in the bathrooms and use floral arrangements in kitchens and dining rooms.

Avoid shooting into mirrors because your image will reflect.

Engage with Professional Agents

You can’t skip this step if you’re planning to sell your home, it’s good to hire an agent if you are not conversant with marketing. Moreover, most buyers are represented by agents. 

Professionals have a network of people who will help make the sale faster. Additionally, unless you already a potential buyer in tow you can’t afford to risk it. Therefore, consider an agent to avoid wasting time. Consult agencies such as Kenya Homes for your marketing needs.

Related: Why You need to Hire a Real Estate Agent

Don’t Forget the listing websites

This one isn’t a suggestion — it’s a must-do. Your listing agent will certainly make sure your house is listed in the multiple listing websites such as buyrentkeny.com if you’re represented. But even if you’re not, the websites can accommodate for-sale-by-owner listings.

Find a discount agent who’s willing to enter the information about your property for you without actually representing you. Many will do so for a flat fee. Posting your home here will make sure that many, many agents and buyers are aware of its availability.