Home Home Improvement Energy Efficient tips for lowering electricity bills

Energy Efficient tips for lowering electricity bills


Kenya Homes

The energy bills that keep us on our toes and they can get out of hand quickly. Not to worry this energy efficient tips are for you. In fact, the average Kenyans use up to Kes 10,000 shillings monthly on bills. Luckily, home updates, inexpensive projects, and even minor changes in routine can create notable savings.

Hunt for an energy efficient home

House hunting was absolutely about finding a place that looked and felt like home, but also keep in mind practical considerations. Updated windows and modern lighting can have big impacts on home energy use. Moreover, some home features, such as high ceilings can increase energy costs.

Once you find a home you love, walk through the home alongside your agent, ask them the home’s energy efficiency.

If your dream home doesn’t come with an energy efficient water heater or updated windows, there’s no need to despair. Issues that show up during a walkthrough give you grounds to negotiate with the seller.

Assess major appliances and equipment

Shopping for efficient new appliances and equipment is easy. Most modern appliances feature that gives you a yearly estimated operating cost: Older appliances may not be as easy to assess.

With roughly half of all energy expenses going to heating and cooling, high-performing heating and ventilation should be a priority for every homeowner. Overall efficiency, however, isn’t the only factor to consider when evaluating your heating system.

Try quick, energy efficient fixes

There are all kinds of quick fixes that owners and renters can make to cut back on energy costs. Moreover, online guides have simple money saving tips that anyone can put in place today.

Easy tasks, such as replacing your electric shower heater with a solar heater, washing laundry instead of the laundry machine, switching off electronics that are not in use, and using energy efficient light bulbs, can all make an impact on your budget’s bottom line.

Related: Solar VS Electric Water Heater: What’s Better?

Seek expert guidance

Expert help doesn’t have to be expensive. Many local utility companies provide an energy audit, and they often offer them for no charge like KPLC. In conclusion, lowering your energy bills leads to you saving more.