Home Buy House Warming Etiquette For Hosts

House Warming Etiquette For Hosts


Housewarming Etiquette

House Warming Etiquette is a much talked about topic today because a lot goes into the planning of the event. This party is essentially held once you move into a new house. Other people have one once they have remodeled their houses. They generally consist of a tour around the house and light snacks. Party games are sometimes involved as well. Here are a few housewarming etiquettes for you as a host.

Housewarming Etiquette

Send Your Invites In Good Time

As a rule of invitation to any party, make sure you send your invites in good time. This will give your guests enough time to plan. The time frame could be between one or two weeks. To add to that, ascertain that the exact date, time and location are clearly laid out. If possible, you can include directions to your house, for example, a map. Keeping it casual is also a major house warming etiquette.

Your Living Room and Kitchen Must be Ready

Your guests will hang around these areas the most. As such, make sure you have organized these areas well. Boxes shouldn’t be everywhere in the living room and the dining. This is because they will obstruct the movement of your guests. Furthermore, your house will not be pleasing to hang out in. Since you’ve just moved in, it may be understandable that your rooms are not done. That is okay. But great House Warming Etiquette is to ensure the two rooms are ready.

Work With A Little Decoration and Serve Some Food

Your guests understand that you just moved in. And that it may have costed you a lot. For this reason, you don’t have to go over the top with the decorations. You can keep them minimal. Also, you can work with a theme. For a house warming, you can also serve light dishes. These include samosas or spring rolls.

Attending To Your Guests Well is a Good House Warming Etiquette

Having people over and having to take care of other issues like food can be too much to bear. What you need to do is to have probably two family members around. One may welcome them in and the other may take them round the house. By doing so, you will have adequate time to serve your guests and hang out as well.