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Looking For A House?Get Value For Money.


Tips For Maximizing Your Time During House Hunting

What would you give to be able to live in a house where you get value for money, say an SQ?

Hold that thought.

To be able to live in a one-bedroom apartment in Nairobi, you will part with averagely kes 11,500. I am not kidding! At this point you have not footed the water bills, electricity bills or paid the watchman, if you are lucky enough to have one.

There is no value for money!

Tell me something…are you getting value for Money?

What would you give to be able to live in a beautiful, affordable rented house that gives you value for money?

I know I would give anything and that is why an SQ is my all-time go -to when I’m house hunting.

It is extremely difficult to find anyone willing to let you live in their SQ. If you are however lucky, you will not be disappointed.

Go ahead and ask, what sort of mumble jumble is an SQ?

In the simplest of terms, an SQ is an abbreviation of a servant’s quarter.

Servants’ quarters or DSQs as they are commonly known are those parts of a building, traditionally in a private house, which contain the domestic offices and staff accommodation. They primarily exist to maximize the property’s value for money.

What you don’t know is that..

Living in an SQ will elevate you to the leagues of the Group of Schools. Currently being sold by Kenya Homes is the magnificent 4Bedroom Runda Paradise Maisonette along Kiambu Rd. This architectural masterpiece comes with a DSQ that can accommodate the house nanny. It can also be rented out to get value for money.

Many people assume that a DSQ (Detached Servants’ Quarter) is the same as an SQ. This is not the case. There is a fine line that distinguishes the two entities.

What is the difference?

An SQ is usually an integral part of the home. It is connected by a door to the main house. In such a scenario, domestic personnel usually dine, interact and work in the main part of the house. They get to enjoy enjoying communal activities like dinner with their employer.

On the other hand, a DSQ is usually a separate purpose-built adjacent wing or block which still serves the purpose of accommodating the house help, except that in this case it can be rented out to get maximum value for money.

To get value for money, it is advisable to Buy a home with a DSQ as opposed to an SQ. You may decide to rent it out, or keep your nanny at an arm’s length while still protecting your personal space, if you highly value privacy.

Feel free to thank me later when you call Kenya Homes to seal deals that will give you value for money.

The lucrative Runda Paradise Maisonettes with a DSQ on Kiambu Rd is still up for grabs.