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Mistakes Online Buyers make regarding Real Estate


The age of technology has improved all aspects of life especially when it comes to house hunting. Online buyers are increasing each day. Kenyans are quickly abandoning the traditional way of house hunting instead of opting shopping online. This is actually a good thing for real estate agents.

However, some online information is false leading to some buyers believing what they see. with the trust people have for the internet, scam artists have taken initiative to lure them with cheap prices for property.

Not doing your research

You went online and discovered a plot of land in Juja going for 500, 000 then call up your agent about the land insisting you want that land. Lands defer in each region don’t expect the prices to be in the same range everywhere.

The notion that the customer is always right to don’t apply 100 per cent of the time. most times customers are ignorant and unaware of the right information.

The customer is always right

This phrase has created an apocalypse of unruly clients who feel they know best for themselves. Arguably, you know yourself hence you know what is best, however, when it comes to real estate let the experts like Kenya Homes help you through.

In other words, you need to accept you don’t know all you need to know about real estate. Your real estate agent is supposed to be your adviser hence you can’t disregard their word just because it contradicts with what you saw.

As a client, you need to be aware your agent knows more about online marketing than you. They can identify a false ad from a mile away because they are in the industry.

Fake online property Ads

This epidemic currently affects Kenya. Real Estate scammers have thousands of fake ads on social media which attracts everyone. These ads lead to confusion on properties and their prices.

Although you may assume you cannot be conned, many have been deceived and others shall fall victim. Unfortunately, we cannot eradicate these false ads.

However, as an interested buyer, you need to be careful not to fall for false information thus educate yourself about the market value and prices of a region you interested in.

You may wonder how you can identify a fake ad, well there is a list of things that can be a red flag:

  • The price is too good to be true
  • The company has no online presence
  • when you call they demand a site visit fee immediately
  • They insist on a down payment after one visit
  • some may even refuse a site visit insisting the property is the same as the image

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