The Rules of Neighborly Etiquette have significantly changed over the years. This may be attributed to the extensive use of technology and even social media. Gone are the days when you could pop up at any time to say hi to your neighbor. In today’s world, you have to text them first. Make sure they know you will be stopping by. Note that in the past, neighbors offered free services for their expertise. However, in today’s economy, ensure you pay up. After finding your dream home, here are some of the other modern rules of neighborly etiquette.
Always Greet Neighbors Whenever You See Them
You do not even have to utter the words. A simple smile or a wave can go a long way. This is an important way to show your neighbors that they are important to you. However, make sure a simple hello stays just that. Don’t be too inquisitive on what they are up to and what they have been doing. Some people just do not want to talk about these. This is an indicator of proper etiquette. Also, we are Africans.
Calling or Texting Before Visiting is Good Neighborly Etiquette
A lot of people find an issue with guests who just come by without a proper invitation. As part of good neighborly etiquette, ensure you at least send a text prior to your visit. If possible, you can state the reason and purpose for your visit. Calling or texting applies to kids’ play dates as well. Don’t let your child be the one that shows up unexpected at other people’s houses. Always call prior to such visits. Another rule is to not overstay

Inform Neighbors of Any Activities That May Cause Noise
It is not considerate to throw a party with really loud music without first informing your neighbors. Always make sure that you tell them prior to your guests coming over. This will enable them to make other plans especially when they have young children and sick people. You can also ask them to join you. Another noisy activity is construction. In case you are having any work done on your house, it is always a good idea to inform your neighbors also.
Simple Rules Za Ploti
The above rules apply here too. But in addition, do not snitch on the activities of your neighbors to their guests. This is very rude. In case there is a water problem in the area, it is always kind to fetch for them when they are not at home. To add to that, you can take in their clothes from the hanging lines when it rains. Do you think you should give them your wifi password though?