Home Real Estate The photo that sold the house: Tips for sellers and realtors

The photo that sold the house: Tips for sellers and realtors


Having great real estate photos is a must these days. Let’s face it—much like in social media dating, the pictures are where house hunters’ eyes go first. But what type of photo, exactly, persuades home buyers to delve deeper into a listing, propelling them out of their comfy window-shopping cocoon to check out a property in person?

Photo 1: It reminds them of Home

Most buyers love homes that don’t look common. They prefer one that looks original with a great compound. It reminds them of home. Additionally, a great image the invokes such a strong feeling of home in a homebuyer will have them contact you immediately.

Unfortunately, buyers are afraid that images might not live up to how they appear online. Sometimes many of the other houses we see don’t look like the pictures at all.

Remember to make sure the reality is better than the picture.

Lesson learned: Your front side photo—what buyers see from the street—is often what rolls buyers in. This is why it should typically be the first photo buyers see of your listing. And make it count! Freshen up the exterior paint, and update your old garage door or paint the door an intense hue for a pop of colour. And wait until the light is just right—as in not too dark but not too bright and washed out—to make your home look like a welcoming sight.

Photo 2: They want their dream Kitchen

Whether it’s an apartment or a house, Kenyans want the ultimate dream kitchen especially the ladies. Hence, kitchen pictures should show the dream of possibly coming true. Homebuyers want a kitchen they can be proud enough to show off.

Sometimes most kitchen photos leave a lot to be desired.

Middle-class home buyers have a smaller budget compared to others. Therefore, kitchens their budget might be disappointing compared to luxury homes. Additionally, these homebuyers don’t have a renovation budget and can’t build their dream kitchen, so they need to find it.

These homebuyers will have to pursue hundreds of listings. Until they find the kitchen they want. This is where real estate agencies like Kenya Homes comes in, helping you as a seller to sell that house. Realtors advice on if you should renovate your home to add more value to it or work with what you have.

Lesson learned: While the front exterior of a home is the most important, the kitchen is also a high priority because it’s not only the heart of the home but also an area that can quickly look outdated. So if yours is current and eye-catching, it’s well worth highlighting this area with the perfect photo—which also means cleaning every surface until it gleams to suggest that everything is as good as new.

Photo 3: They want a big compound

Kenyans love their big compounds. A space for a kitchen farm, parking and playground. Additionally, as a place for family and friends’ gathering. Hence, a spacious compound is a fast seller.

A fantastic compound with a perimeter wall, carbo pavement and a kitchen garden will lure the buyers in. Moreover, some homebuyers are looking for a compound they can chill and relax the weekend away.

Lesson learned: A big compound is a dream for many homebuyers, so don’t forget to show it off! Make sure it’s mowed and raked to perfection, and add flowers and plants to make it look lush. To go the extra mile, add a fire pit or other hot amenities. Here are some landscaping trends to consider.