Home Home Improvement Tips for selling your house over the Easter holiday.

Tips for selling your house over the Easter holiday.


The Easter holidays are here with us yet again. For many Kenyans, it is a time to relax at home and unwind after a long week. For potential home buyers, they finally get a chance to visit many real estate websites to catch a glimpse of the houses on sale. For them, this is the best time to buy a house because literally every price has been slashed down to unbelievable discounts.

Any serious real estate investor will tell you that the combination of low competition and high housing inventory makes Easter the best time of the year to buy a house. As such, home sellers who are strategic about this short holiday will go home smiling. Here are a few tips to hasten the sale of your house;

Clean up

With so much time on their hands, expect Kenyans to flock your house for viewing. You need to thoroughly clean up the house. Take time to make bathrooms sparkle, wash the windows, and clean kitchen tiles. Nothing puts off a potential buyer like a dirty house. It doesn’t matter if the design is spectacular, the moment a client walks in to a messy and dirty house, you have lost them.

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Clear the clutter

People cannot buy a house if they don’t see the square footage. Put away everything that was left behind by the previous tenant if at all you had rented it out. Some of the most notoriously left behind items include boxes, worn-out clothes, broken appliances and old furniture. They may look harmless but will distract the buyer from concentrating on the house.

Freshen up the rooms

Freshly painted walls increase the likelihood of closing a sale by fifty per cent. Paint the much-used rooms like the kitchen in neutral colours to make them look clean and new. Also, stick to widely accepted themes like white and cream. Kenyans are known to be picky and there is nothing as bad as not selling your home because you thought pink with a touch of burgundy would look appealing.

Reduce the odors

People hardly forget the smell that hits them when they walk into a room. Go out of your way to remove smells left behind by pets, cigarettes, bad food or dump clothes. A house that smells dump gives the impression that it is old and worn out. You can reduce the smell by keeping windows open to allow fresh air in. Additionally, painting the walls will also clear lingering cigarette odors.

Visit Kenya Homes and consult widely on various ways to push the sale of your house.