Home Kenya Homes Why You need to Hire a Real Estate Agent

Why You need to Hire a Real Estate Agent


Real Estate Agent

We are all busy with our jobs, families or school- consequently, we lack the proper time to house hunt. Hence, the need for a real estate agent. Some of you can shrug your shoulders assuming hunting is easier alone. However, most people require assistance.

See also: Real Estate in Kenya-Why we’re in it and why we’ve stayed

Similarly, if you have the time and capability to do it yourself- go ahead. Noteworthy is you will miss out on the benefits of having a real estate agent by your side.

A real estate agent saves you time

A real estate agent’s job is to find houses for you or sell your houses. It’s their daily job. Moreover, you are busy with work from Monday to Friday leaving you the weekends to search for a house. The weekend is not enough because you have to divide between house hunting and your family.

An agent will have houses in line for you to look at in the comfort of your home. Likewise, the time for a site visit will be shorter since you have already been briefed on what to expect.

Saves you money

Although a real estate agent will charge you a fee, it’s relatively cheaper than shopping for a house by yourself. How?

Well, without knowing the location of a house, you will find yourself moving in circles looking for a house. This will waste your fuel and energy.

Moreover, you looking for a house means you will have to travel to every site visit but with a real estate agent who you trust they will go to site visits for you.

Imagine you are looking for a house in Mombasa, you will need to travel all the way each time but having an agent who is in the area means you won’t have to go all the way.

Avoiding scams

Kenyans tend to confuse a legit real estate agent with shady house brokers who hang suspicious posters on trees.

A good real estate agent knows almost all professionals in the real estate industry. They will advise you on what is right and what is wrong especially when it comes to housing regulations.

A Real Estate Agent is your second eye

Additionally, when housing hunting alone it is hard to have a professional eye-going through everything with you. Having a friend is fine but you need an expert in order not to miss the fine print.

Real estate agents have the experience and they have seen all kinds of houses; hence, they know all about houses and the procedures that go into procuring a home.

You need this professional view while house shopping before deciding on a home.

Real estate agents know all the loopholes

The seller may try to hike the price up but an agent who knows valuation can’t be fooled. the loopholes also that can get you a better house deal.

Having an edge when housing hunting makes it easier for you to bargain with the seller. This ensures you will not be subjected to cons. A seller can tell if you are a first-time buyer if you don’t ask the right questions. As a result, they may take advantage of this by overpricing.

Some sellers might even mess up the contract making themselves still the owners of the property while letting you assume the home is yours.


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Kenya Homes agents are ready to help you find your dream home. Visit us today or contact us.