Home Kenya Homes Why We Are Helpful To Buyers In A Low Housing Market

Why We Are Helpful To Buyers In A Low Housing Market


Most of us are struggling to with making ends meet. Despite that, we have a dream to buy that house we saw on Instagram. As Kenya Homes, we focus on bringing affordable homes right to your phone especially the low housing market.

With just the right amount of down payment, you can have your dream home with just a click. However, how can we do this? 

We will link you up with professionals who will advise you on what you can and cannot afford. 

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What we need to help you:

Your commitment

A lot of Kenyans are curious about homeownership and will ask around on prices and mortgage. Moreover, if you don’t have the means to buy a home, we offer a free consultation to everyone. 

Have a budget

We need to know your range. For example, are you looking for a 5 million house or a 2 million house? If you have a price in mind it will make it easier for us to find an affordable home for you. Same applies to plots of land. 

See Also: A Budget-friendly Guide- when Looking for a House

Do you have a financer? 

Have you already been looking for a lender? It makes the house buying process easier if you are already pre-approved for a loan. As agent will have an easier time find a house for you which you can purchase with ease. 

But not to worry we can guide you in finding the right lender for you. Our doors are always open. 

Do you have savings? 

We cannot help you if you don’t help yourself. Having savings means you have money for a down payment for your home. Although some financiers may labour the whole cost you still need some cash as commitment. 

Why Low Housing Market? 

Most Kenyans live below the middle-class belt and some struggle to foot bills and homeownership is the last thing on their minds. Kenya Homes wants to help these families get a home and save them the trouble of paying rent. 

Owning your own home has a sense of security and accomplishment like no other. Despite the financial difficulties you can manage to get home. Every Kenyan deserves a perfect home to come back to after a long day trying to make ends meet. 

Affordable housing should be accessible to every common ‘mwananchi‘. Hence, why at Kenya Homes we strive to bring you housing that can afford. 

Thus as a low housing market buyer, you don’t need to worry about finding your dream home because there are professionals ready to assist you. All you need is your commitment and the house is yours.