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The Most important Tips for buying property at home if you live in the diaspora.


What do statistics say?

Kenyans in the diaspora are now the biggest senders of digital remittances to mobile accounts back home.

As of June 2018, Kenyans in the diaspora had remitted over 26 Billion shillings back home.

With Diaspora remittances now accounting for 4% of our GDP, they could possibly be the country’s largest source of foreign exchange earnings.

Fears rise amidst swindling claims

Real estate continues to grow in leaps and bounds and this can be attributed to the fact that Kenyan citizens living abroad can buy a home at the click of a button.

If not for conmen, every single Kenyan living abroad would already have invested money back home. The challenge lies in the fact that there are so many fraudulent ghost companies ready to reap where they didn’t sow.

The most important lesson for Kenyans living abroad to learn is to work with trusted banks and credible real estate agents. There is nothing as bad as being swindled millions of shillings all because due diligence was not done.

Hire a realtor

Using the expertise of firms like Kenya Homes will greatly reduce the risk of landing in unscrupulous deals.

A good real estate agent will negotiate on your behalf. S/he understands that offers and counteroffers are an extremely important part of a real estate transaction, as this can save you millions of shillings.

Research shows that the surest way for any Kenyan in the diaspora to navigate the real estate industry is to have a knowledgeable person homesearch different houses on sale on your behalf.

See More;What better investment than the 40 by 80 Prime Plot in Ruiru. only 500 Metres away from the Thika Super Highway.

Know the legal procedures

If you have lived in the diaspora long enough, then you cannot downplay the significance of legal procedures when it comes to buying or selling a house.

At only kes 520, you can conduct a search at the Lands Registry to establish details of the land. This includes the registered owner of the land, acreage as well as any caveats registered against the title deed.

Further, you will need to pay a visit to City Hall if the property you want is in Nairobi county. Here, you pay Kes 7,500 to get a certificate of clearance.

You will then be required to get two maps from the Land Ministry. After doing this,you will go view the land accompanied by the seller to verify dimensions.

From there, you can close the sale once you’ve established that everything is In order. For someone in the diaspora, get someone you trust to go over the legal technicalities on your behalf.

Related; The Cicada Crest is a luxurious upcoming development in the posh neighborhood of Kilimani and it is perfect for you.